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Work started on the new addition today and it is super exciting to see multiple people out working at once. Up to this point its been kinda slow moving so its a good feeling to see things coming together today. Due to misunderstandings, weather, scheduling, and a few other set backs its FINALLY happening!

The plumbers are here stubbing up for new bathroom and then concrete will be poured and we will be ready to go! We had some issues because the camara crew is here today and they need to film in the short time they have but also we need concrete poured, but the truck is super loud and that isnt making our producer very happy lol.

So we thought it would be fun to make our stamp on this home by putting our first flip into the concrete when its still wet. Even though no one will ever know, I do, and its special to be able to always have this to look back on and remember the memories made and the family that shared my dream! Yes, I know it says 2016 twice, but we remembered that a board would cover the bottom lol.

Never let ANYTHING stand in your way of chasing what you dream of. Its a mindset, go and don't stop until your there! Today was a good day!

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