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Sissy's "Big Girl" Bed

So the time has come my sweet baby is outgrowing her crib sad as it is to me because this means she is growing to fast, I am excited to redecorate her room a bit. So I went to the Chicken Farm Sale in Jones (no, its not for chickens..its a junkin paradise) looking for inspiration for a new bed and not to spend $500 on a new one. So I walked passed this beauty and my mind started turning on how to make this work..if there is a will theres a way and I was gonna find my way! It had just yucky wire in the middle and I wanted to replace it with something a little more girly. Luckily I found exactly what I had in mind so I head home to get the truck to load this stuff up for Dylan to get to work on it lol!

I told him how I wanted it and he fixed it up for her, its so cute and is exactly what I wanted, a farmhouse find and now has a new home for Miss Daizy to grow in and I couldn't be more happy with the result!

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