Purpose In The Preparation

Year after year, I find myself in the same slump while deep in the depths of winter blues. Impatient and unwilling to wait, I struggle with the in-between that is the ending of one season and the beginning of another.
Despite being burrowed in this slump, I cling to the hope that is found in planning my garden and dreaming of warm days and full blooms. When I think of the leading reason for my love of gardening, I think of the way it is metaphorical to our lives and life's experiences. It is here that God meets me and speaks so profoundly.
In previous years, it's always been the first sight of a buttercup opening in late winter giving a glimpse of the beautiful things to come, or realizing though pruning and removing pieces may be difficult, it is necessary to produce fuller fruits. However, this year as I sat staring out my window with a clean slate and nothing more than dirt and a blank piece of paper, I knew that God was speaking a message of preparation and patience; something I typically don't welcome. I'm naturally fast-paced, learning along the way or even upon arrival. I like to know exactly where I'm going next before I'm even finished in the place I'm currently at. But here I sit, in this unknown place, in an unfamiliar house, wondering what is next, He is revealing to me the purpose in the waiting, the impact of a fresh breath, and the peace of a rested soul.
A garden isn't an instant full display of beauty for all to admire. It takes planning, preparation, and lots of groundwork for the roots to take hold. And I know that these are necessary for the beautiful display to come. In planning this year's garden, it is helping me to intentionally prepare for what lies ahead and take my time doing so. So that whatever may come, I can be confident that my best was at work. I'm taking time to filter through what has worked in the past and what hasn't. I'm finding inspiration in new things and learning how to start over again. And most of all, I'm acknowledging His voice once again and accepting the purpose in the waiting. Just as in the garden, good things take time. And soon enough, I will sit amongst the fruitfulness and look back with appreciation for the purpose in all the preparation.